Wendell NC Homes for Sale & Wendell NC Real Estate market
For existing homes in Wendell NC, the median home takes about 20 days to sell. 44% of existing homes for sale sold for list price or above. For the properties that sold above list price, the median sold about 2% over list price. For more Wendell market data jump to Wendell FAQ’s.
Everything you need to know about homes for sale in Wendell, NC!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the real estate market like in Wendell NC?
How much money do I need for a deposit when buying a home in Wendell NC?
What inspections should I get when buying a home in Wendell NC?
Are homes for sale in Wendell receiving Multiple offers?
How do you know if a home will have a competing offer?
How much are homes selling for in Wendell NC?
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Wendell Real Estate Facts at a Glance
The median price of homes for sale in Wendell, NC is $400,000. For that price, the average home for sale will have about 2000 square feet and was built in 2017, and most likely will be a single family home. Most homes for sale in Wendell will be part of a subdivision. Only 8% of homes for sale in Wendell in the last year were not located within a subdivision.
About 47% of homes for sale in Wendell have a minimum lot size of .2 acres. If you’re looking for something a little bigger, they’re not as easy to find.
10% of homes for sale in Wendell had a minimum of a 1 acre lot. The average home for sale on an acre in Wendell sold for $398,000.
Property taxes for homes for sale in the town of Wendell, NC are 1.127%. Keep in mind that some homes for sale in Wendell are not located within the city limits and would only pay county taxes. Wake County taxes are assessed at .657%. Also part of Zebulon is in Johnston County. Johnston County Taxes are assessed at .69%
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Homes for Sale in Triangle Towns Near Wendell

Our FREE PDF, Common Homebuyer Nightmares and How to Avoid Them! tells you everything you need to know.

Frequently Asked Questions
Got Questions?
We can help!
What is the real estate market like in Wendell NC?
For existing homes in Wendell, the median home takes about 20 days to sell. 44% of existing homes for sale sold for list price or above. For the properties that sold above list price, the median home sold about 2% over list price.
How much money do I need for a deposit when buying a home in Wendell NC
The North Carolina purchase contract has two separate deposits. Both are negotiable. How much you offer depends a lot on how competitive the property is that you’re making an offer on. Homes for sale in Wendell are less competitive than homes for sale in Cary, for example. So you won’t need to offer as much to be competitive. According to Harmony’s lead agent, Liam O’Leary, the average offer we see has a $5000 due diligence deposit. But it can go as high as $10,000 if the property is really nice and in great condition.
For earnest money deposits, the average we see is about $2000. But keep in mind that markets change all the time. For the most up to date advice, schedule a call with a real estate advisor.
What inspections should I get when buying a home in Wendell NC
For those buying a home in Wendell, consider these essential inspections:
- General Home Inspection: Start with a general home inspection to uncover any issues and see if you need additional, specialized inspections. This is similar to consulting a general doctor before seeking a specialist.
- Pest Inspection: A pest inspection is recommended to check for wood-destroying pests like termites. This is a smart move in Wendell, or any other Triangle area, to protect your new home.
- Radon Inspection: Since radon exposure can lead to cancer, testing for it is crucial. This inspection is affordable and usually costs less than $200.
Are homes for sale in Wendell NC receiving multiple offers?
Competing offers aren’t as common in Wendell, NC as they are in more densely populated areas. For existing homes, only 18% of them received more than one offer. The reason for this is because 70% of home sales in Wendell are new construction homes. Buyers have a lot of options for buying a home in Wendell, which makes it less competitive. We do sometimes see competing offers on new construction homes in Wendell, but not very often. About 1.7% of new construction homes receive more than one offer.
How do you know if a home will have a competing offer?
The most popular Wendell neighborhoods are where you are more likely to see competition from other buyers. But if you really want to know if there are competing offers, the best way to find out is to ask the listing agent. Sometimes they will tell you and sometimes they won’t, but it’s always a good idea to ask. If you’d like an experienced real estate agent on your side, you can schedule a call here.
How much are homes selling for in Wendell NC?
The median priced home for sale in Wendell NC is $400,000. The typical home sold at that price in Wendell NC is a 2200 square foot single family home, built in 2023.
Our FREE PDF, Common Homebuyer Nightmares and How to Avoid Them! tells you everything you need to know.

A little bit about Wendell
Are you looking for homes for sale in Wendell? Wendell is a small town located in eastern Wake County, approximately 16 miles east of downtown Raleigh. Wendell has a population of around 7,000 people, and the Master Planned Community of Wendell Falls has been responsible for the rapid growth of the town. Downtown Wendell still has the charm of an old North Carolina agricultural town, while new communities are bringing the convenience of modern suburban life.
The town was founded in the late 19th century as a result of the construction of the Seaboard and Raleigh Railroad. Its name was inspired by the poet Oliver Wendell Holmes. In the early years, Wendell was primarily an agricultural community, with tobacco as the main crop.

Today, the town has a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial areas. It has a historic downtown district with a variety of locally-owned shops and restaurants, as well as several parks and recreational areas, including Wendell Park, J. Ashley Wall Town Square, and Wendell Park Lake.
Wendell Falls, a Newland Community, has created resort-like living in this once sleepy southern town. Access to Raleigh is easy on I-87. It’s about a 25 minute drive into downtown Raleigh from Wendell, or only 20 minutes from Wendell Falls.
Thanks to Wendell Falls, Wendell now has a Publix! (We like Publix). You can watch our video comparing Wendell to Knightdale on our Small Town Videos page.
CLICK HERE for today’s housing market statistics for Wendell, NC.